JavaScript · Web Development · Language Fluency · For Business
Learn TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds types to make the language scale!
Livello intermedio
Contiene 7 Progetti, 7 Lezioni e altro
In italiano e inglese
Durata totale 15.3 ore
Con certificato di completamento
JavaScript is a powerful programming language. But as it continues to evolve, outdated code gets messy and difficult to maintain. That’s where TypeScript comes in. It builds on your JavaScript foundation so you can develop higher-quality, less error-prone code faster. As a TypeScript developer, you’ll be in higher demand and gain a competitive edge in the work world.
You will learn how to apply the JavaScript syntax you already know to TypeScript’s type system. This will help you build your own programming experience and give your code more structure. You’ll also use TypeScript’s linter to reduce compilation errors and speed up workflow.
15.3 ore
In italiano
Certificato finale
1. Types
Learn TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds types to make the language scale!
2. Functions
Learn about writing functions in Typescript
3. Complex Types
Learn how to apply types to more complex data structures like arrays and objects.
4. Union Types
TypeScript union types allow us to combine individual types into flexible combinations.
5. Type Narrowing
Leverage TypeScript’s type system to gain insights into the runtime behavior of your code by narrowing down what union types.
6. Advanced Object Types
Go further and advance your knowledge of TypeScript to use interfaces and other means of typing objects.
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In this project, you'll use TypeScript to create the underlying logic for TypeMart—the coolest ne...
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Self Driving Car
In this project, you'll use TypeScript object types to program a self-driving car that can safely...
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metodo devv
Imparare a programmare significa molto più che memorizzare la sintassi. Ti aiutiamo a pensare come un vero programmatore.
Come un consulente di carriera, ti guidiamo in ogni passaggio. Imparerai la cosa giusta al momento giusto, tutto in un unico posto.
Acquisisci esperienza pratica man mano che procedi creando progetti degni di un portfolio che ti aiuteranno a ottenere il tuo prossimo lavoro.
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Scordati le seplici lezioni frontali. All’interno di questo percorso abbiamo unito diverse modalità di apprendimento che ti permetteranno di imparare al meglio.
7 Lezioni
7 Quiz
7 Progetti
1 Articolo
Ottieni un certificato di completamento da poter condividere dove vuoi.